400 Lux by Kyle Littleton - DVD

  • Model: 400LUX
  • Shipping Weight: 0.065 lbs


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Causing your money to multiply is, perhaps, the most iconic trick in magic. In the past you needed a gimmick, glue, and lots of preparation to make this trick happen. "400 Lux" is COMPLETELY impromptu and uses no gimmicks of any kind. You change four EXAMINABLE one-dollar bills into four EXAMINABLE hundred dollar bills.

Creator Kyle Littleton takes you through every step of the process. The routine is easy to learn, easy to perform, and imminently practical, since it uses just eight normal bills. It's possibly even stronger than gimmicked versions as the bills can be examined before and after, and the change looks just as magical!
  • Use any bills - no gimmicks
  • Includes multiple handlings
  • 25 minutes of high-quality explanation
"It's a beautiful thing when sleights can flawlessly replace a gimmick! Kyle Littleton's 400 Lux is a great alternative to all the "Easy Money" variations. 400 Lux is pure magic done with pure sleight of hand!"
- Karl Hein

Running time: 25 minutes

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 21 January, 2016.

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400 Lux by Kyle Littleton - DVD

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I received my decks today, satisfied with them and ordered three more decks. I received the poslaju tracking link a while ago, clicked it, and voila,...


2nd time purchase, received my decks after 2 days. All decks received in mint condition and still in plastic wrapper. 2thumbs up bro.

Good Service

Very good service , but i suggest u 2 keep some stocks in ur warehouse, bcz i will always nid magic props for my frens n nid it urgently . anyway...

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